This new class series will focus on mindful parenting:
- Meditations that can help you self-regulate and stay more present to yourself and to your kids;
- Jewish practices that offer wisdom on staying intimately connected to ourselves and the people we love most;
- Building community with other parents.
Parents are expert mulit-taskers. We have the capacity to check off long-to lists and navigate complex work and home responsibilities. Yet, one of the biggest challenges of parenting is the ability to be mindful with our children amidst a full life. Kids know just how to push our buttons, and we often end up feeling overwhelmed and upset in the very moments when our attention is needed most.
Counter-intuitively, the key to becoming more patient, compassionate, and present to our children lies in first becoming more patient, compassionate, and present to ourselves.
Thursdays, 9-5-2019 (4 sessions)
9:45 AM to 10:45 AM
Member $80.00
Non-Member $95.00
Open to the Community